Hansen Corner Coming 2025

Project Update: August, 2024
Jackson Hole Community Housing Trust breaks ground on 20 Affordable homes on Hansen Corner at 620 East Hansen Avenue
On April 15, the Jackson Hole Community Housing Trust broke ground on Hansen Corner, a new development on five lots on East Hansen Avenue. The project consists of twenty Affordable homes in ten duplex buildings with a mix of one- and two-bedroom units. All units have unfinished basements allowing homeowners the option of finishing the extra space as needed.
The project is well underway, and completion is anticipated next spring. Hansen Corner is made possible by generous private philanthropy. A text amendment approved by the Jackson Town Council enabled the development of five additional units, allowing the Community Housing Trust to serve one-third more households and reducing the land cost per unit by 25%. Collaboration with a modular developer helps the Community Housing Trust minimize the cost of construction without sacrificing design and durability. Partners in Hansen Corner include New West Building Company, Northworks, Northstar Systembuilt and Bank of Jackson Hole.
Developer: Jackson Hole Community Housing Trust
Builder: New West Building Company
Architect: Northworks
Modular Builder: Northstar Systembuilt
Banking Partner: Bank of Jackson Hole

The team from the Community Housing Trust and New West Building Company met on the Hansen Corner site earlier this spring. The project foundations have been poured since this picture was taken, and construction completion is expected in the spring of 2025. photo credit: Community Housing Trust
About the project
Year-over-year, the cost of construction and the subsidy per unit continues to increase. In the face of this escalating environment, the Community Housing Trust has prioritized the pursuit of innovative solutions that would allow us to more efficiently address this problem.
On five lots in east Jackson, we set our sights on increasing the total number of people we can serve by building more efficiently on the land we own. To accomplish this objective, the Community Housing Trust authored a Text Amendment to the Town’s Land Development Regulations that would allow development of four units on a town lot where only three units were permitted (NL-5 zone) provided that all units are permanently restricted. In order to assure neighbors that this amendment would not jeopardize the character of the neighborhood, the text amendment requires compliance with all other physical development standards like setbacks, building heights and parking requirements.
The impact of this Text Amendment, approved 3:1 by the Jackson Town Council, is measurable: at 620 East Hansen, this amendment allows the Community Housing Trust to serve one-third more people and reduce the cost of land per unit by 25%. In addition to maximizing community benefit, this Text Amendment helped us to improve upon the affordability of all homes.
The development provides diverse unit types, offering a mix of one-bedroom and two-bedroom units, each with unfinished basements. This allows the new development to meet the needs of households of various sizes, whether it is home to a single person or a growing family. Decks provide private outdoor space at the ground level and balconies give way to views of Snow King. Interconnected courtyards provide ample parking for our workforce.